The Empowerment Collaborative Coparenting Project ~ 6 Week, Online Coparenting Course ~ Basic Level is for any parent, coparent or caregiver who wants to empower their very best options and resources for the best interests of their children. Course Objectives include: Assessment of Coparenting Strengths and Needs, Parenting Plan Proposals, Safety Planning, Optimizing Customized and Tailored Accommodations, Incorporating Trauma Informed Principals, Coparenting Mediation and Legal Resources, Protecting Against Abuse or Harm, Navigating Extended Family and Professionals, Structuring Optimal Schedules and Transitions, Enhancing and Nurturing the Coparenting Team and System, Addressing Regression and Triggers, Wrap Around and Follow Through.
The course fee is 480.00 and includes a Pre-Course, Individualized Orientation and Assessment to optimize the resources of the course to each family’s unique issues and needs. The course is follow by a Level II, 6 Week Course that addresses more advanced and/or high risk issues. Each course meets every Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:00pm – 7:00pm MST and 7:00pm to 8:00pm MST for the advanced Level II course.
Each week’s module supports participants in organizing their own case needs, timeline, orders if applicable, outside agencies, child centered goals, strengths/needs assessment, parenting plan and safety plan proposals, self care and emotional regulation management and coordination of care. Additional specialized weekend workshops will be offered with a 50% off coupon for all participants of the 4 Week Course.
A registration link will be provided upon receipt of course fee or payment agreement.